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AUKUS Alliance Members to Strengthen Presence in the Pacific

China, which continues to step up its military and economic power year after year, is becoming increasingly concerning and alarming for the United States and its allies, who are aware that Beijing may soon surpass Washington in terms of the volume of its geopolitical influence. Western leaders are taking a variety of steps to limit China's sphere...

Petr Konovalov

Iran is developing an active foreign policy

In their assessments of Iran’s foreign policy after the 1979 February Revolution, experts often tend to have a one-sided and biased perception of Tehran’s diplomacy. In particular, a certain stereotype has emerged, according to which Iran, as the main Shiite Islamic state by religion, is the flagship of world Shiism, strives for absolute hegemony in the Islamic...

Alexandr Svaranc

Why is Washington replacing Georgia’s overseer Kelly Degnan?

In the rapidly changing situation around Russia’s successful special operation to denazify the criminal Ukrainian regime, the Biden administration decided to urgently replace its “overseer” in Ukraine - Ambassador Kelly Degnan. After all, against the background of the outright failure of the Russophobic adventure...

Vladimir Platov