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Юн Сок Ёль

Yoon Suk-yeol Turns to Japan

One of the most significant festivals in the Republic of Korea is March 1, which honors the widespread protests against Japanese colonial rule. Under President Moon Jae-in the holiday became a memorial to martyrs, a reminder of unresolved grievances, historical disputes, and the need for the Japanese to weep, repent, and pay. In his speech on the March First Independent Movement celebration on March 1, 2023…

Konstantin Asmolov

China is Making the ‘New’ Middle East

This was inevitable. When the US started to strategically withdraw from the Middle East and shifted its focus towards Southeast Asia and (Eastern) Europe to contain its two rivals (China and Russia), the Middle East was left without a traditional balancer. Without making an orientalist argument and arguing that the Middle East always needed an external ‘balancer’…

Salman Rafi Sheikh
Выборы в Ливане

Lebanon’s Tragedy and the difficulties in overcoming it

When Michel Aoun left office as president of Lebanon last October, many politicians assumed that finding a successor would be relatively easy, not least because none of the main political parties were interested in blocking the election of a new president. Four months later, however, no compromise solution has been found, and many wonder…

Viktor Mikhin