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Президент Турции

Turkey’s Peace Agenda

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan addressed his country in an interview with Turkey’s NTV channel: “Turkey will never be a party to any war; it will always stand for peace and preserve peace. As it does now in the situation with Russia and Ukraine.” It goes without saying that Erdoğan’s assertion runs counter to Turkey’s actions in regional crises in the Middle East, North Africa, and the South Caucasus…

Alexandr Svaranc

Washington’s Position in Syria Under Fire (Literally)

In late March a drone strike was carried out in Syria. Not by the United States or Israel, but by forces opposing the illegal US occupation of eastern Syria. The strike left one American contractor dead and several US service members injured. While the US responded by carrying out airstrikes of its own in Syria against groups Washington claims are linked to the drone…

Brian Berletic
Тайваньский вопрос

Current events in relation to the Taiwan issue

The trite claim that “global political processes are accelerating” is most glaring at their center, which is steadily evolving into the Indo-Pacific region as a whole and, notably, its “particularly heated” zones, of which Taiwan is still on the list. A number of events in the coming days could be indicative of both the maintenance and potential escalation of the level of “warming up”…

Vladimir Terehov