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The Arctic Council: NATO and the Unipolar Pole?

The Arctic Council: NATO and the Unipolar Pole?

What difference does the Russia-Ukraine conflict make to the Arctic? Are any polar bears being called up to fight? Will it affect the ice, or which ships can pass through it, and for what purpose? Norway said “it will prioritise a smooth transition with Russia as it plans to assume the chair of the Moscow-helmed Arctic Council on May 11, but will not commit to restarting stalled cooperation” … over the [conflict between  Russia and  Ukraine]. Nowadays a lot of children come from homes which have experienced marital breakdown. Their parents split up…

Seth Ferris
Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev and Zbigniew Brzezinski

Heydar Aliyev and Zbigniew Brzezinski - what did they agree on?..

The modern Republic of Azerbaijan occupies an important geographic location in the South Caucasus, being the western shore of the Caspian Sea and a “gateway” to the resource-rich region of Central Asia (historical Turkestan). Geography, as a rule, largely determines the policy of the state. And it is this geographical feature of Azerbaijan that has determined the role and place of the republic in the region, as well as in the system of geopolitical contradictions of the leading world actors. However, geography itself…

Alexandr Svaranc
Pilgrimage to Beijing of European politicians.

The Pilgrimage of European politicians to Beijing, a sign of accelerating the transformation of the world order

The first two weeks of April this year were a time of pilgrimage to the People’s Republic of China (PRC) by European politicians of various ranks, representing some of the continent’s leading states as well as trans-European structures. This in itself turned out to be one of the signs indicating the acceleration of the process of change that has recently been taking place both in the world as a whole and in the group of countries designated by the (increasingly conventional) term “generalized West”. No less representative of the fact that the world order as a whole is already at the stage of another radical…

Vladimir Terehov