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The President of the Republic of Korea's Visit to the United States: An Analysis of Key Documents and Statements Part 1. The Washington Declaration

Having described the course of the visit, let’s move on to a more in-depth analysis of the main statements, which include the joint statement of the two presidents on the results of the summit, speech by Yoon Suk-yeol in Congress, and partly his speech at Harvard, where he developed some of the theses expressed earlier. The main document of the summit is the so-called Washington Declaration, which we start with. The 70-year defense alliance between…

Konstantin Asmolov

USA Continues to Put Pressure on Turkey

Observing the electoral process in today’s Turkey provides information that experts could not previously have guessed (or they were making their own assumptions without being able to confirm them). This refers to topics of primarily external nature rather than just to internal political interactions between the ruling party and the opposition bloc. The author is reminiscing on private discussions he had with knowledgeable analysts regarding the nature and patterns of relations between Turkey and its biggest NATO partner, the United States. At the time, despite direct consultations with members of the American political…

Alexandr Svaranc
Iraq: Political Crisis and Solutions

Iraq: Political Crisis and Solutions

Despite the creation of numerous US programs and plans ostensibly aimed at solving problems and crises, Iraq is still seen as a place where such problems are deeply rooted through the fault of the West. Even though there have been several “celebrations” in American and European research institutes and centers, customary for a situation of setting up the electoral process or installing a new administration, no progress has been achieved. One of the paradoxes of the situation in Iraq is that even the major Western institutions that have been persistently imposed on the country over the past two decades…

Viktor Mikhin