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Relations Between China and South Korea

Concerning Signs of Chill in Relations Between China and South Korea

Given recent diplomatic advancements between the Republic of Korea and Japan, as well as the President of the Republic of Korea’s visit to the United States, this article investigates issues that may indicate a chill in relations with China. On April 19, 2023, President Yoon Suk-yeol gave an interview to Reuters. Yoon frequently spoke cautiously about Sino-US rivalry because China is South Korea’s main commercial partner. However, regarding the tension in the Taiwan Strait, he stated that “these tensions occurred because of the attempts to change the status…

Konstantin Asmolov
EU for Georgia

Poor Georgia--What a Pity: No EU for You, NATO “On-hold too!”

So, the EU does not want Georgia now that it refuses to die for Ukraine or open a second front against Russia. It does not want to “Cut off its nose to spite its face”. Georgia’s EU candidacy status has been a carrot dangling from a stick in front of a donkey for many years, and has brought about some good results; however, a Georgian donkey is stubborn, and for good reason. It is so easy to frame everything into simple choices, especially when perceived by outsiders and the naïve…

Henry Kamens

Israel and the ‘New’ Middle East

In 2020, when Israel, backed by the US, signed the Abraham Accords with the UAE and some other Middle Eastern states, the Israeli government looked well in charge of the trajectory of the peace process in the Middle East. Three years later, peace-making is no longer made in the US or Israel, as China’s success in mediating between Iran and Saudi Arabia has significantly shifted Middle Eastern geopolitics’ local and international dynamics. Locally, more and more Arab states are now pursuing ‘normalisation’; internationally, Beijing, rather than Washington, is playing the lead role. This adds to Israel’s troubles, as it can no longer influence these developments even indirectly via Beijing…

Salman Rafi Sheikh