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Turkey and Iran part ways...

Turkey and Iran part ways...

Turkey’s president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has begun his first trip abroad after his latest inauguration – a visit to the internationally unrecognized Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC). After that trip he will visit Azerbaijan. It could hardly be said that Ankara has opened a completely new, and hitherto unsuspected page in the agenda of Turkish diplomacy. For example, while speaking in North Nicosia he reaffirmed his commitment to a peaceful resolution of the Cyprus problem, and warned the Greek Cypriot authorities that Turkey was in a position to resolve the issue “by other means.” The only “other” solution that the Turks could possibly…

Alexandr Svaranc

Prigozhin: Washington’s “Manchurian Candidate” Inside the Halls of Russian Power

Who has the inside track on why the head of Wagner PMC, Yevgeny Prigozhin, went turncoat the other day? Prigozhin, whose mouth has gotten more significant with each small victory of his skilled fighters, betrayed his fellow citizens, his president, and hundreds of thousands of Russian military personnel, laying it on the line in Ukraine. The recent past and the current news cycle of the days surrounding what Vladimir Putin called “an armed mutiny” give us clues as to Prigozhin’s motives. June 24th, 10:00 Moscow time, President Vladimir Putin…

Phil Butler
How does Mongolia see Russia’s relationship with China

How does Mongolia see Russia’s relationship with China - as a threat, or as an opportunity?

The rapprochement between China and Russia in the last few decades has been a very significant development for the entire system of international relations. The partnership between these two major countries is developing at a rapid pace and without let up, in many different areas and taking many different forms, and it is also managing to resist considerable pressure from external factors – from the waves of sanctions imposed on Russia in 2014 and again in 2022, to the COVID-19 pandemic. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the country most affected…

Boris Kushhov