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Riyadh is steadily drifting away from Washington

Riyadh is steadily drifting away from Washington

In the areas of fuel and energy, Saudi Arabia follows a path independent from the United States. Recent anti-Russian sanctions and their secondary and tertiary consequences on the “daredevils” who continue to trade with Russia have caused the world economy to experience extreme instability. In the current environment, few players have been able to adapt to the dramatically changing new reality, but some can definitely be taken as an example. We are talking about the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which has shown itself to be unusually agile and flexible on the international stage. At the June 2023 OPEC+ meeting, Riyadh announced a production cut…

Madi Khalis Maalouf
The Astana platform on Syria ended

The Astana platform on Syria ended...

Syria is one of the most pressing concerns on the global diplomacy agenda, with Russia combining a successful peacekeeping role with focused diplomacy. Since the fall of 2015, it has been evident that the United States, its NATO allies, and the armed opposition organizations they were backing have failed to fulfill their primary goal of removing the unwanted administration of Bashar al-Assad and establishing control over the region. The fact that the true American plans have failed is due to Russia. Initially, the entry of the Russian Aerospace Forces into Syria at the invitation of the official authorities in Damascus was greeted with alarm…

Alexandr Svaranc
US policy in the Middle East has not met Israel’s expectations

US policy in the Middle East has not met Israel’s expectations

For a “new” model for the peace process, Israel will have to turn to China. In 2020, it seemed that Israel, with US support, was able to take a step towards the Arabs after the signing of the Abraham Accords with the UAE and Bahrain. Despite this, the changing geopolitical landscape and the emergence of China as a key player in mediating regional conflicts have cast doubt on the viability of these agreements. As a result, the idea of boosting Israel’s power by isolating Iran when Tehran and Riyadh are at peace appears illogical…

Madi Khalis Maalouf