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July 27, 2023 Arms Show and Parade

The military parade commemorating the 70th anniversary of the end of the Korean War was a solemn event in and of itself, with columns marching to represent the KPA units that had distinguished themselves most during the 1950–53 battles and other branches of the military at the time, from railroad workers who were able to maintain the transportation network in the face of total US air supremacy to young guerrillas or counterintelligence forces. In addition, the parade began with an analog of Russia’s…

Konstantin Asmolov

Sahel at the Forefront of Combatting Terrorism

The worsening security situation in the African region of Sahel emphasizes the need for re-assessment of both military efforts and the safety strategy for its countries. We would remind that Sahel is a region in Africa, determined as the ecoclimatic and biogeographical area of the transitional zone between Sahara in the north and the Sudanian savanna in the south. It has hot semiarid climate and spreads through the southern central latitudes of North Africa between the Atlantic Ocean…

Viktor Mikhin

Japan Activates in Africa

The long ago started process of Japan’s return (after its crushing defeat in World War II) to the table of the “Great Global Game” as one of the main players has revealed itself, in particular, in Tokyo’s ever more noticeable activation in Africa. This activation is quite tellingly exemplified by travels by three members of the country’s government, led by the Prime Minister, to various countries of the continent, that has taken place in a successive manner from May to mid-August of this year, that is, within just three months. The word “activation” is not being used randomly here, as various interests of Japan in the affairs of this continent had been noted long before the present “African rush” that has expanded …

Vladimir Terehov