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The Events in Mali. Part 2

Tuareg leaders could certainly have come up with the idea of forming their own state in Mali and parts of adjacent countries all by themselves. That is, they could have done it without being under the influence of al-Qaeda or…
Konstantin Penzev

The Events in Mali. Part 1

The media understand current events in Mali in the following terms. First of all, the political situation in Africa is extremely complicated, state systems are weak, and the borders between countries were arbitrarily determined by the former colonial powers. They…
Konstantin Penzev

IAEA – Iran: a formalistic approach to overcoming differences

The international community’s attention is still focused on Iran’s nuclear program, and it expects, if not breakthroughs, at least progress in Iran’s negotiations with the mediator group (the United States, Russia, Great Britain, France, China and Germany). In 2012, members…
Nikolai Bobkin