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A Syrian Initiative by Some US Senators

A few days ago, US senators from both parties urged the Obama administration to intervene directly in the war in Syria. They believe Washington should increase the military pressure on President Bashar al-Assad in order to end the so-called “civil”…
Konstantin Penzev

Turkey and Israel: no military alliance yet

After the incident three years ago involving the humanitarian flotilla en route to the Gaza Strip, tensions between Turkey and Israel, both of which are allies of Washington and supporters of its interests in the region, greatly complicated US policy…
Nikolai Bobkin

A Major New US Provocation in the Persian Gulf

The navies of 41 countries will be conducting a large-scale exercise under US auspices in the Persian Gulf from May 6 to May 30. The Pentagon says the participants will exercise a “wide spectrum of defensive operations” designed to protect…
Stanislav Ivanov