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The Causes of the Syrian Conflict Part 2

There is nothing unique about the Syrian conflict. It is a stage in the ambitious plan Washington and its minions have to control the entire Islamic world. We might refer to it as a plan for a “New Middle East”…
Konstantin Penzev

Directions for Cooperation in the Caspian Sea Basin

The time is inevitably approaching when, according to Washington and Brussels, the US-led Western military coalition will finally leave Afghanistan. That is giving Russia a serious headache. It stands to reason that are threats emanating from Afghanistan and affecting Russia’s…
Viktoria Panfilova

The Causes of the Syrian Conflict Part 1

Why has the United States taken a bulldog death grip on Syria? Why the persistence and unwillingness to resolve the conflict by peaceful means? We might summarize the most popular explanations as follows. 1. The US government’s official explanation is…
Konstantin Penzev