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How Inevitable is Military Conflict between Israel and Iran? Part 1

The last period confrontation between the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) and Israel has become a stable tendency to exacerbate with sometimes threats of using military force and has a considerable impact not only on bilateral relations between these countries,…
Sergey Pivin

To assess the developments in Turkey

Talks, that revolutions may be inspired, organized and sponsored by someone (God forbid from overseas!) are ill manbners in a fine society(especially with the liberal and progressive views). The canonical version of any socio-political take-over as presented by the authors,…
Konstantin Penzev

What are the United States Supposed to Do in the Middle East?

The Arab spring events of 2011-2012, and mostly the current state of things in Syria and Egypt suggests that United States influence in the Middle East is gradully decreasing. The fact that Washington took a back seat and let NATO…
Petr Lvov