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Who stands to benefit from a U.S. budget crisis?

The U.S. budget crisis, which has been a periodical stumbling block for Obama and the American Parliament during the past few years, has finally reached a breaking point last week. As a result, all federal institutions have been closed indefinitely and around 800,000 state employees are now...

Vladimir Platov

Fall worries of the Egyptians

I, once again, found myself in Cairo during the second half of September. The trip was not long and I would never commit it to writing if it wasn’t for one particular circumstance. The fact is, Egypt is like a second home to me. At the end of the last century, I spent a long 15 years living...

Vladimir Belyakov

Washington and Tokyo ramp up military preparations against China

Despite the break out of a U.S. budget crisis and Obama’s cancelled trip to the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC Summit “to save public funds”, the White House has neither revised nor curtailed its military obsessions. Only the emphasis has changed: under the influence...

Vladimir Odintsov