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Should we expect a collapse of North Korea?

Having started the “Arab Spring” and having destabilized the situation in most countries in the Middle East after it, the “strategists” in Washington have recently turned their attention to North Korea. In autumn of 2013, we witnessed a wave of prophecies in the form of the document...

Konstantin Asmolov

Dismemberment of Command: America’s Military Shakeup

It is a quiet autumn in Washington, warm seasonable breezes waft over the empty spaces. The government is shut down, victim of a constitutional crisis decades old that has allowed one or more branches of government to fall under the control of a minority party with less than 25% approval...

Gordon Duff

The USA and cyberwars. Part 1

The last decade, cyberweapons have been actively used in the confrontation between ideologies, nations and states. The term "cyberwar" has been increasingly used not only in journalism and in the rhetoric of political figures, but also in the actions of many states, the USA in particular... 

Vladimir Platov