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The Syrian frontier cuts too close to home

Syria has been living the past three years completely engulfed in rampant terror and threats to the population, which are actively being used to demoralise the administration and force it to leave the political arena. The fact that the military campaigns have a localized nature does not...

Alexander Filonik

The protracted Syrian war continues

Although the execution of the UN Security Council Resolution 2118 – a part of which deals with the destruction of Syrian chemical weapons – is progressing very smoothly despite the periodic difficulties created for the OPCW inspectors by the insurgents, the same cannot...

Petr Lvov

Reforms and Turkish Kurds

Turkey's ruling Justice and Development Party (JDP not only aims to strengthen its positions, which were pretty shaken in June this year during the riots against the government's policy aimed at the Islamization of society, but also to expand its area of influence by attracting...

Olga Zhigalina