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Kim Jong-un’s New Course

While the terms juche (spirit of self-reliance and songun (military first are relatively well-known to a broad audience, a fresh concept that has taken shape under the young North Korea leader is a novelty. Let’s take the opportunity now to fill the reader’s possible...

Konstantin Asmolov

Afghan Taliban Resistance: Lesson Learned

Although it appears that the 12 year Afghan war will end in stalemate in 2014 with Afghan resistance groups poised to pounce as NATO troops are on the way out, the Taliban have taken considerable beating as well and have been compelled to alter its position dramatically. Not only have they...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

More than an Enemy – Exported Insanity

An unhappy “threesome” of deceivers, Piers Morgan, Cristiana Amanpour and Wolf Blitzer, all of CNN, stand at the pinnacle of their craft, conduits for false news, conspiracy theory and smear tactics on behalf of a consortium of intelligence agencies and special interests dedicated to disorder...

Gordon Duff