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Is the Era of the “Double Standard” Coming to an End?


Inexorably, issues tied to the conflicts in the Middle East will focus on the US and Israel. Decades ago, Israel was spoken of as either America’s “aircraft carrier” or “junkyard dog.” Now, as we see Israeli influence wielded against President Obama and his national security...

Gordon Duff

Negotiations with Pakistani Taliban Postponed

In a mid-November address to Pakistan's national assembly, the country's interior minister, Chaudhry Nisar, stated that the government ought to put off its efforts to negotiate with the Pakistani Taliban. His admonition came on the heels of the refusal of the group's new leader...

Natalya Zamarayeva

Libyan history lessons

Two years have passed since the United States and NATO carried out a force operation aimed at the change of regime in Libya. The war, which lasted for about eight months, had been proclaimed by Washington and its main allies in NATO – Britain and France – as the humanitarian intervention for...

Vladimir Platov