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Chinese “Air Defense Identification Zone”: an error or strategically considered step?

The introduction of the so-called Air Defense Identi- fication Zone (ADIZ in the East China Sea (ECS on November 23 by the Ministry of Defense of the PRC remains one of the major world political events...

Vladimir Terehov

Can the Middle East become a WMD-free Zone?

In recent days the topic of trans- forming the Middle East into a zone free of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD has once again been revived in the media. This is perhaps attributable to the fact that Syria is in the process of actively eliminating...

Petr Lvov

Saakashvili Goes Back to School

When Mikheil Saakashvili was in charge of Georgia he was always promoted as the friend of democracy and Western values. But it did not take long for his sponsors, the USA, to realize that he was nothing of the sort. Extrajudicial murder, massive...

Henry Kamens