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Japan’s military construction and the situation in the Asia-Pacific Region Part 2

In general, we can state that the increase in the organizational and technological quality of the armed forces is becoming central to Japan’s military development. This is particularly notable against the background of the symbolic...

Vladimir Terehov

Japan’s military construction and the situation in the Asia-Pacific Region Part 1

Japan’s military construction in the late 2013 and early 2014 will enter the postwar history of Japan as an important step on the long road of the country’s “normalization”. The term itself originated in the Japanese political elite in the early 1990s... 

Vladimir Terehov

Arab Spring: an end to this eastern tale?

After its triumphant start in 2011-2012, recently the “flagship” of the Arab uprisings, the Islamic movement Muslim Brotherhood, sponsored by Qatar, has been losing ground practically in the entire region, which, in fact, is the first sign of decay of the once promising oriental tale called...


Vitaly Bilan