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Sochi Olympics, Bandar bin Sultan and International Terrorism

The closer the date of the grand opening of the Sochi Winter Olympics, the more headache face the countries that are participating in this truly global event. The hosts are examining the newly constructed facilities, coordinate the rules of...

Viktor Mikhin

Saudi Arabia buys the West

The relationship between Saudi Arabia and the west, primarily the United States, has always been a critical component of the Saudi political policy. However, the recent changes to the strategy undertaken by Washington and its various European allies to resolve both the Syrian...

Vladimir Odintsov

Guinea: How Much Blood Pays for a Barrel of Oil?

Back in 2006 then-US Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that the politics of energy was “warping” diplomacy around the world. The very next week she opened a function attended by President Theodore Obiang Nguema Mbasogo...

Seth Ferris