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Tunisia-Egypt: constitutional results of January 2014

January 2014 was rich in constitutional reforms for the North African region. The two leading countries in the region, Egypt and Tunisia, adopted new constitutions, designed to consolidate the achievements of the “Arab Spring”. Tunisia has always been considered...

Ekaterina Ryzhkova

India-US Diplomatic Rows: Has the ‘Alliance’ Reached the Breaking Point

A lot is being written about the “long-term” and “short-term” consequences of an otherwise ‘minor’ looking diplomatic incident between the US and India. At one of the spectrum, some have interpreted it in terms of a possible downfall of their bi-lateral alliance...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

Predator drones in America’s “not-so-friendly-skies”

Most Americans don’t look up unless the “Goodyear Blimp” is hovering overhead, storm clouds are gathering on the horizon or an actor says on the radio that the Martians have landed. Until the current conflicts in Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen broke out, and the so-called...

Seth Ferris