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Ukraine: America’s Side Must Win

Are we witnessing the outbreak of a new Cold War, in which the West is pitted against Russia and various other countries? Patrick J. Buchanan, a conservative American political commentator, author and syndicated columnist, almost hit the nail on the head...

Seth Ferris

Georgia: Vanishing Bio-Weapons Lab in Tbilisi

A curious thing happened in Georgia last year. After widespread media speculation in April 2013 that Georgia was housing a bio-weapons lab, namely the Richard G. Lugar Center for Public and Animal Health Research in Tbilisi, which the US had long...

Henry Kamens

USA: Is there morality in American society?

On January 4 on YouTube, there was uploaded an audio recording of a confidential telephone conversation between U.S. Assistant Secretary – Victoria Nuland and U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine – Jeffrey Payette. Offended by the indecision of European Union...

Viktor Mikhin