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Controversy over New Deputy Head of EUMM to Georgia

A new controversy is brewing over the New Deputy Head of the EUMM, the European Union Monitoring Mission to Georgia, the organisation set up under the terms of the ceasefire which ended the 2008 Russian Georgian war. It was provoked by...

Henry Kamens

USA – Organizer of International Terror Part 2

What do the terrorists want to achieve by means of violence and lawlessness? According to the online encyclopaedia Circumnavigation (Krugosvet, the terrorists are striving to achieve desired developments, i.e., revolutions...

Konstantin Penzev

China: “Green Prospects”. Part 1

In November 2013, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China adopted a resolution containing an official statement on the adoption of a plan for comprehensive deepening of reforms. According to Chinese media, the document sets out a “road map” of social and economic... 

Alexander Salitsky