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China: “Green Prospects”. Part 3

Current forecasts, for example, of the International Energy Agency (World Energy Outlook, 2013 suggest, among other things, that China will be ahead of the U.S., Japan and Europe (combined in the production of electricity from renewable and non-polluting sources by 2035...

Alexander Salitsky

Ukrainian Truce, Calm before the Storm

In a bid to defuse an increasingly divisive political crisis, Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych has agreed to hold early presidential elections and enact changes to the country’s constitution. The decision was reached after high-level talks involving opposition...

Martin Harris

John Kerry and Geneva-2 Dead End, they knew it was coming

The much-hyped Geneva 2 Conference on Syria, which concluded at the end of January, delivered absolutely nothing, as it was ultimately intended to. No agreement was reached on anything of substance, and holding the talks did nothing to stop...

Seth Ferris