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American “Casus belli”

Many countries have noted how easily the White House overthrows legitimate governments using “color” and “Arab Revolutions” organized by it, or threats of military force, as it is the case with Syria, in order to achieve its imperial ambitions to rule the world.

Valery Kulikov

Will American citizens experience the horrors of a drone war?

President Obama's drone policy is back in the news again, as he is reportedly mulling over killing another American citizen abroad via a drone strike. The issue of a President ordering the assassination of a US citizen first hit the presses...

Janet Phelan

Yemen: First Steps towards National Reconciliation

The third anniversary of the revolution was celebrated in Yemen recently, and public demonstrations were held in the capital city of Sana’a on this occasion. Participants of the celebration recalled the events of 2011, when a civil war began in the country...

Konstantin Orlov