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Ukraine: Birds of a Feather Flock Together to Destroy “European Values”

About 250 years ago the playwright Samuel Foote was presented at an exclusive London gentlemen’s club. His sponsor introduced him with the words, “This is the nephew of the man who was recently hung in chains for murdering his brother.”

Henry Kamens

U.S. Army: defenders of peace or criminals? Part 2

A similar situation with increasing abuses by U.S. military is developing in South Korea. According to official statistics of the South Korean authorities, the number of crimes, committed by the U.S. servicemen since their occupation of...

Vladimir Platov

Media War: The Battle for Crimea

The Western press has been deceiving readers, listeners, and viewers since the beginning of the so-called "Euromaidan" protests - from covering up the ultra-right wing ideology and literal Neo-Nazi flag wavers leading the mobs, to the role the...

Tony Cartalucci