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Crimea: What Comes Next?

These are the days of our Spring discontent. It is ironic to consider that as events continue to unfold in Crimea the path that might hold the most hope for future peace and stability is the one that guarantees all sides being at least somewhat disappointed. Allow me to elaborate. Why Ukraine should be disappointed: Crimea is done. As the famous Southern saying in America goes, ‘closing the barn door after the horses have left doesn’t do much good.’ Authorities in Kiev are understandably displeased...

Matthew Crosston

Ukraine: Theater of the Absurd Continues

The Western Warmongers will not be denied. World instability provocations continue to roll out at a fast pace. It's almost as if those orchestrating them do not want the public to be looking at any one aspect for too long, or too closely...

Jim Dean

NATO's "Mystery Gunmen" Seek to Strengthen Kiev Regime's Hand

In yet another attempt to widen the confrontation between Russia, Crimea, and the Western-backed regime in Kiev, snipers have opened fire on both Ukrainian and Crimean defense forces at a small military base within the heart of the Crimean...

Tony Cartalucci