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The US Expands the ‘Battle’ for Africa

Withdrawal from Iraq and now approaching time of withdrawal from Afghanistan does not mean that the US would no longer be exercising its military muscle in the world in order for securing its hegemonic interests. Withdrawal only implies a shift, though not a drastic one, from this...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

Saudi Arabia: preparations for regime change

A sequence of important events that occurred in Saudi Arabia, simultaneously with the recent visit of U.S. President Barack Obama to that country, have roused close attention and numerous comments of analysts around the world. The visit of U.S. President Barack Obama to Saudi Arabia...

Viktor Mikhin

The Situation in Southeast Asia in light of the Crimean Crisis

The international political and expert community is just beginning to awake from the shock raised by the situation in Crimea. Independent of further development of the Ukrainian crisis on the whole, the Crimean situation in itself deserves scrutiny at political, diplomatic, military...

Vladimir Terehov