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Iraq: American plans for partition of the country

In world politics same as in normal life, there is a saying: "There are always loose ends from any weave". Now it seems to be directly applicable to the American rulers, who having lost the sense of proportion and decency are revealing the true...

Viktor Mikhin

The White House Shakes the World

The White House’s predilection for constantly subjecting the world and nations in various regions to convulsions and disturbances is well known. After 1989, Washington began actively looking for ways to maintain its influence around the world. And if its strategy in...

Vladimir Odintsov

Crimean Referendum: One Law for All, Only if the West Says So!

The right of self-determination, a cardinal principle of international law binding on all countries, has been in the news again recently following the events in Crimea, where the population...

Seth Ferris