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US War Hype against Russia enters the Twilight Zone

Tensions mount as NATO puffs its chest with minor military deployments as part of their threat play acting. Estonia was on stage today receiving NATO planes and pretending to feel threatened and wanting a permanent NATO deployment...

Jim Dean

Russia’s “Miracle” in Crimea

The bloodless and efficient, even “miraculous” Russian move into Crimea is now having “second wave” repercussions. Evidence now indicates that a broader strategy against Russia has been put into motion, part of an even broader strategy to offset the burgeoning economic development...

Gordon Duff

Pakistan: the army and the civil administration – a looming crisis? Part I

"The Pakistani Army is defending the integrity of all state institutions, preserving its dignity and institutional honor at a time when the country is facing internal and external challenges,” Chief of Army Staff General Raheel Sharif stated in “response to the ...

Natalya Zamarayeva