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US vs Syria: How to Lose a War in 3 Years

The government in Damascus and the Syrian Arab Army have begun restoring order across the country after over 3 years of devastating fighting. The so-called "capital of the revolution," the city of Homs, has been reclaimed by government forces and people have begun returning home...

Tony Cartalucci

The Deteriorating Situation in the State of Jammu and Kashmir

The main outcome of the elections to the lower house of the Indian Parliament, held throughout April and May 2014, was the triumph of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP, and the crushing defeat of the Indian National Congress (INC. The latter is... 

Vladimir Terehov

From Iraq to Syria: How to transport men and weapons without really trying

The much touted fall of Mosul and the alleged capture of US military equipment have been in the making for a long time. It is therefore important to have some institutional knowledge of where these events began, and...

Henry Kamens