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Iraq: American “democracy” and Bedouin democracy

The latest events in Iraq have shined a spotlight on the unseemly role that Washington played when it threw all of its might on this defenceless nation, plunging its people into a fratricidal civil war while setting its political, social, economic and cultural...

Viktor Mikhin

What You Should Know About Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan and its population of nine and a half million, sits along the western coast of the Caspian Sea, bordering Russia to its north, Iran to its south, and Georgia, Armenia, and Turkey to its west. Its geostrategic position alone makes it...

Ulson Gunnar

Memo Justifying al Awlaki Assassination Does End-Run Around the US Constitution

In response to a Freedom of Information Request filed by the ACLU, the Department of Justice this week released the memo providing legal analysis in support...

Janet Phelan