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An unprecedented level of anti-Semitism in South Korea?

Similar headlines described reactions to the May issue of the Japanese magazine The Diplomat which contained an article with what seemed like devastating information – 53% of the South Korean population is anti-Semitic! This is shown...

Konstantin Asmolov

Malaysian Aircraft Incident: Every US War Starts With A Lie

The US news media is buzzing about the Malayasian airline which was downed from the sky in Ukraine. Some questions are being raised. Some are asking “Why did Ukrainian air traffic controllers not stop the flight from passing through...

Caleb Maupin

A New Stage In The Development Of The Eastern Section Of Russian Railways

A few days ago President Vladimir Putin attended a ceremony to mark the commencement of work on the modernization of the Trans-Siberian railway where he laid a “silver spike” to a section of railway...

Konstantin Penzev