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MH17: Another Israeli Cover Up?

The latest disaster, one that has scrubbed Israel’s bizarre onslaught into Gaza off newspaper front pages, 298 dead, can be nothing but more than yet another cover up operation. Every news asset, every politico known to be a creature of the Israeli/organized...
Gordon Duff

Murder of Erosi Kitsmarishvili: Game Changer for the Region

Nato Potskhishvili, a Tbilisi-based journalist, recently interviewed Jeffrey Silverman, an American journalist who has lived in Georgia since 1991. Silverman is a well known figure in the country who now works as Bureau Chief for the US Military Affairs Journal...

Henry Kamens

About the Malaysian Boeing Situation

The situation surrounding the crashed Malaysian Airlines Boeing has recalled for many the events of September 1st 1983, when a Soviet aircraft shot down a civilian South Korean plane, also a Boeing. In the afternoon of September 1st, flight 007, following the New York...

Konstantin Asmolov