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ISIS, Mosul: Christianity and its Christian Victims

Politicians in most countries present themselves as people of faith. Many genuinely are, but they present themselves as such not for religious but political reasons. If you are a good Christian /Moslem /Jew /Buddhist, it means your actions are guided by...

Seth Ferris

US vs. Germany: The “Gentleman’s Agreement” Is Crumbling

Germany and the United States, two western imperialist countries, are moving further and further away from each other. German Chancellor Angela Merkel has spoken against Obama in harsh terms, condemning...

Caleb Maupin

South Africa's “Dr. Death” Again Evades Sentencing

Dr. Wouter Basson, whose work as head of the South African apartheid government's biological and chemical warfare unit earned him the nickname “Dr. Death,” has again evaded sentencing. Basson was first arrested in 1997, following the dissolution of the apartheid government. His much...

Janet Phelan