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Staged Provocations Ahead Possible US-Syrian War

With the alleged brutal murder of American journalist James Wright Foley, a wave of anger and aggression across Western audiences has been generated. Upon that wave rides two objectives. One is to create plausible deniability for...

Tony Cartalucci

Al-Sisi's visit to Russia: Promotion of Bilateral Cooperation

A recent visit of Egyptian President Al-Sisi to Russia – the first foreign visit beyond the borders of the Arab world, triggered an avid reaction from political circles and media outlets in Egypt. Egyptian news agencies and TV channels stressed the respectful...

Yuriy Zinin

McCain Grills Bass and Something Fishy is Going On

Like any prospective new Ambassador, the much-travelled John Bass has to have his nomination confirmed by a Senate Committee. As he has now been nominated to serve in Turkey, he has had to face the usual questions. Unfortunately for him, and the rest of the world, one...

Seth Ferris