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Daily Mail Caught in War Hoax

The war of words between the US and Russia has been fueled, if not orchestrated by media that has gone beyond “slanting” or even censoring the news. Newspapers, in this case the UK Daily Mail, are full-fledged combatants. If a broader conflict ensues, and this seems...

Gordon Duff

Nazis Splitting With Kiev Regime?

After months of denying the new regime in Kiev installed in the wake of the so-called "Euromaidan" had any significant ties to Nazism and regiments of Neo-Nazi militants found fighting in eastern Ukraine, the BBC in an article titled, "Ukraine crisis: Russian aid...

Tony Cartalucci

Bacteria from US threatening the Mediterranean

Very disturbing information has emerged recently in several foreign news outlets: the bacterium Xylella fastidiosa is threatening to destroy the centuries-old olive trees in Italy. According to The Daily Mail newspaper...

Vladimir Platov