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Kiev Coup is Collapsing

Once again we see Western aggression leaving nothing but death, destruction and broken states in its wake. There is the old saying that we all are supposed to learn from our mistakes in life, but that is a dead cliché now. We do just the opposite by repeating them...

Jim Dean

Russian-Iranian Relations Strengthen Amidst International Sanctions

As the sanctions against the Russian government continue to be implemented by western nations, Moscow has been forced to look to Asia for economic and strategic partnerships. The Kremlin has been...

Steven MacMillan

The American military presence in Korea and its prospects

On August 6-7 at the Pentagon in the United States, a second meeting was held of the South Korean-American Council on the transfer of operational control to Seoul of its military during wartime; such a transfer is scheduled for December 2015. This council...

Konstantin Asmolov