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Washington Menaces America With Its ISIS Creation

The Washington Times in an article titled, "Intel believes 300 Americans fighting with Islamic State, posing threat to U.S.," makes the incredible claim that: The U.S. government is tracking and gathering intelligence on as many...

Tony Cartalucci

Nuclear Terror Alert in US: Hoax or Blackmail?

A mysterious article was published in the New York Daily News today. On the surface, it made no sense, a short article about a claimed nuclear threat against the World Trade Center, term a “heartless prank” by the paper, owed by...

Gordon Duff

The Situation in Yemen Continues to Heat Up

In spite of the fact that on the 2 September this year the Crisis Regulation Committee, set up by the President of the YR in connection with the activities of the Houthis, put forward a plan for solving the problems...

Alexander Orlov