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Could Kiev fail before the New Republics?

All is semi-quiet on the Ukraine front. Despite the OSCE spokesman who said on the first day that he did not think that the ceasefire could last, another OSCE guy with a fully working brain said there was a night and day difference from a week ago. That...

Jim Dean

ISIL is following the Taliban path

Since the beginning of their occupation of Mosul the islamists from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL have demolished dozens of mosques and mausoleums dating back to the 11-13 centuries. Those facts were announced at a recent Pan Arab seminar in Jordan...

Yuriy Zinin

The Global Shame which was Killing Ukraine

Some international relations pundits working for the so called mainstream press continue to suggest that Russia is doing exactly what it did in Georgia in 2008 with Ukraine. The same press was backing down from the Russian invasion headlines in light of facts...

Seth Ferris