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Are the Ukraine talks a NATO ploy?

We all welcomed on Monday the announcement that Kiev forces were going to withdraw artillery and armor to a buffer zone 18 miles away from shelling distance of the New Republic Defense Forces. But the situation still remains murky with not only the two different voices...

Jim Dean

Organized Crime – Major Threat of the 21st Century

In recent years, a growing number of European experts based on their conducted analysis of the activity of transnational organized crime groups (OCG have come to the conclusion that OCG activities have become the major threat of the 21st century. This threat...

Vladimir Platov

The United States is becoming increasingly bogged down in the Middle East

On the night of September 25, the United States Air Force, supported by a number of Arab countries (Saudi Arabia and the UAE launched air strikes on oil fields controlled by the "Islamic State" in Syria. The air raids took place near...

Alexander Orlov