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The War for Ukraine's History

Walter Duranty, the Pulitzer-winning New York Times correspondent, is long dead. However, Duranty has not been forgotten, because there is an ongoing battle over his 20th century work -- in a 21st century ideological war. Duranty was awarded a Pulitzer Prize in 1932 for his...

Caleb Maupin

What is the Anti-Terrorism Coalition Trying to Achieve?

The anti-terrorism coalition assembled by the United States with help from its Persian Gulf and western European allies is gaining momentum. More than 40 countries have already signed up, and most of them are willing to provide humanitarian aid. However, there...

Maxim Egorov

9/11 Plus Thirteen, A Decline Into Madness

Another anniversary of 9/11 has just passed. The media inside the US has been inundated with a flurry of Islamophobic missives with contrived conspiracy theories custom designed to resell a narrative no rational person accepts. The...

Gordon Duff