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Why is the Pentagon making Ebola ‘therapeutic’ and CDC Patenting Ebola strains?

The growing Ebola panic, being deliberately fanned by the criminally-irresponsible Dr Margaret Chan, the notorious “Swine Flu Pandemic” Director General of WHO in Geneva, and by the criminally irresponsible officials of...

F. William Engdahl

Sanctions Against Russia: The View from the Middle East

Anti-Russian sanctions and the impact they have on the international climate and on relations in the economic, political and other spheres, have not escaped the attention of the Middle East, its politicians and experts on the region. Some fear that the repercussions of...

Yuriy Zinin

Beheading carried out by ISIL or by the SAS?

Friday, October 3, 2014 ISIL published the fourth video of its kind, showing the alleged beheading of the British citizen Alan Henning. The executioner in all four videos spoke English with a distinct British accent. In June 2012 a senior Whitehall official...

Christof Lehmann