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White House is Planning to Conquer Cyberspace with its "Plan X"

In recent years, the White House has intensified its efforts to ensure its global domination trough various means, like waging cyber warfare against its political opponents. In the Middle East, Central Asia, and Ukraine, Washington is carrying out offensive...

Vladimir Platov

Is there tension on the border between the two Koreas?

A string of incidents in October, 2014 between the the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK and the Republic of Korea (ROK is swelling up as "a new round of the Korean crisis" (almost at the scale of a second Cheonan, but in fact everything is much simpler, as well...

Konstantin Asmolov

BBC - a Biased Propaganda Arm of Anglo-American Power

“Not since Iraq have I seen BBC News working at propaganda strength like this. So glad I’m out of there”. These are the words of the former economics editor of the BBC’s Newsnight show, Paul Mason, relating to the BBC’s coverage of the Scottish independence referendum...

Steven MacMillan