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Egypt and Russia: Expediencies and “Historical Realities” between Old Friends

There has been much commentary on the recent arms sale agreement between Russia and Egypt, announced on 12th August. Analysts have spent pages taking about “strategic balance”, and how Egypt...

Seth Ferris

“Dr. Death” to Be Sentenced on November 26

Dr. Wouter Basson—dubbed by the media “Dr. Death”-- will face sentencing by the Health Professions Council of South Africa on November 26-29, a sentencing that has now been delayed for nearly a year. In December of 2013, Basson was found guilty by the HPCSA for...

Janet Phelan

Islamic State – Myth or Reality?

The so-called ‘Islamic State’ (ISIS, which has been so much spoken and written about by international experts and information agencies recently and in reality is just a movement of jihadists, now allegedly controls the major part of the north-east of Syria and...

Valeriy Maleev