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America’s Real Ties to ISIS

Reports from Pentagon insiders tell of a strange in inexplicable “bifurcated” US policy. While the US has signed agreements and allocated funds to train “moderate groups” to fight against ISIS only, a clear policy change, other American commands are, and continue to train...

Gordon Duff

Who Will Run Afghanistan?

As we approach the date of withdrawal of the bulk of the troops of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF from Afghanistan, the internal political situation there has a tendency of further aggravation. This is evidenced by the expansion in 2014 of the military activity...

Bakhtiar Usmonov

North Korea, The UN, And War Propaganda

The western propaganda machine is being pushed to its limits and could burst under the pressure as the United States and its coalition of the criminal spew out one set of lies after another against the nations and peoples who refuse to kowtow. The US sponsored...

Christopher Black