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Freedom of Association: Why Independence Has Become the Preserve of the Far Right

For almost all of human history there have been Empires. Even in the ancient world there was a distinction between “kings” and “great kings”, i.e. those who ran a mere country and those who had acquired an empire. Now, almost...

Seth Ferris

ISIL: The Story of the Middle Eastern Conquest

One of the most troubling questions today is how the ISIS emerged and expanded in so fast a manner as to defy a clear understanding to those who have been and still are trying to make sense of it? The sudden rise of the ISIS and the consequent shift of analysis away from...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

Taiwan: Local Elections Results

The elections to local authorities in Taiwan, that took place on November 29 of this year are seemingly a minor event on the scale of the political game unfolding in the Asia Pacific region. However, by each of such events (and especially by them as a group...

Vladimir Terehov