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Old Tricks, Old Dogs: Israeli Attacks on Syria

Israel has once again conducted air strikes against the Syrian government and its people, in yet another act of unprovoked aggression and international criminality. The New York Times would report in their article, "Syria Reports New Strikes From Israel Near Capital," that...

Tony Cartalucci

Israel: In Quest for Uncontested Hegemony

While the Arabs certainly make up 20 percent of Israel’s total population, they continue to face Israeli atrocities committed under the disguise of the so-called internationally accepted notion of “self-defense.” The guiding principle for Israel is its...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

US Citizens Released by North Korea: the Unpleasant Truth

Against the background of hysteria surrounding the issue of human rights in North Korea, news that the horrible totalitarian regime has released three convicted US citizens (46-year-old Kenneth Bae, 24-year-old Matthew Todd Miller, and...

Konstantin Asmolov