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Israel: More than Murder

Sweden has nixed allowing litigation against Israel for war crimes and piracy over the Gaza Flotilla massacre.  Their reason?  Sweden says though Israel is obviously guilty, they are unable to name a guilty party.  Perhaps the "commando's" captured by Ken O'Keefe, whose...

Gordon Duff

Russia US Sanctions and Stupid CIA Oil Wars

The recent headlines talk of a dramatic collapse of the Russian Ruble against the dollar and euro. World oil prices today hover around $57 dollars a barrel. Late August they were over $100. OPEC ministers refuse to act to stabilize prices. The Russian rouble is...

F. William Engdahl

Is NATO aiming at a No Fly Zone for Russia over the Baltic?

On Friday, December 12, a Russian military jet has allegedly been involved in a near-mid-air- collision with a civilian airliner in Swedish airspace. Scandinavian and Russian officials have since been engaged in a barrage of claims and...

Christof Lehmann